Tecnologia e Democracia
Como defensor do software livre e da democracia, minha esperança é que possamos trabalhar juntos para construir uma internet mais democrática, onde as pessoas tenham voz ativa e possam participar no processo decisório e na construção de uma sociedade mais justa e igualitária.
Marcelo Branco & ChatGPT
Great Ideas Start with a Conversation
Our services can be customized for each client. No case is too complicated for us to handle. To meet the world’s challenge, we offer portfolio management and administration.
We Help Your Business Succeed
Whether you need help with business planning or need to change up your strategy, we’ve got programs and services you need to make your business rock.
Quality Over Quantity, Each and Every Time
Because we have so many consultants in a variety of industries, we have the best advice for re-inventing your business into a dynamic, thriving enterprise.
“This company was awesome, everything was handled in a very organized and professional way. I couldn’t recommend them highly enough.”